Monday, July 17, 2017

Healthcare Factoid of the Day

According to Vox, if John McCain had been uninsured, the blood clot surgery that he got last week would have cost him approximately $76,000.

For those who say that nobody goes without healthcare in America, how would you respond to a $76,000 bill if, say:

  • on Monday you lost your health insurance, and 
  • on Tuesday you found out that either 
    • you have this surgery on Wednesday, or 
    • you die on Friday?

To be clear, the median income in Indianapolis is roughly $55,000/year.

Anyone down to work for a year and a half for one surgery? Ahhh, the magic of the free market. It makes me tingle!


  1. You do know they knock down prices for people who do not have insurance don't you ? You do know you can pay whatever you can afford per month interest free, right ? You do know that actually that you can file bankruptcy on medical bills and that's probably what it is designed for NOT filing on credit card debt .... I mean I would not hesitate to file if I had a huge claim and no insurance .
    You do know that healthcare is a huge part of our economy and it's not going to be able to be changed easily or overnight .
    I've had cancer patients who talk of filing .... I remember distinctly a gay couple who I had who spoke of filing bankruptcy while one significant other was hospitalized for his end stage cancer . What we should worry about is the republicans taking away out right to file bankruptcy!

  2. I suppose we could have healthcare like Mexico where you have to pay upfront for services .
