Saturday, July 1, 2017

Fireworks, Tolerance, and Trash

Recently, someone was complaining on NextDoor about people letting off fireworks in Meadowood Park. A few thoughts:

First, insofar as there were some comments on the thread about "no hablo inglise," I can't help but ask what the relevance of that is. Would it make a difference if the people doing this are from Mexico or Missouri? What difference does their language make?

Second, to the degree that people complain about fireworks upsetting their dogs, the 4th of July is not going to change its traditions just because your dog gets upset. I accept the same principle as to my kids. Just because it makes it a bit harder to get them to sleep does not mean that I have any right to expect people to stop having fireworks on and around the 4th of July. Expecting them to stop that would be akin to expecting people not to light up their homes for Christmas because the blinking lights are upsetting.

Finally, because I am an equal-opportunity hater, for those who leave the trash from their fireworks all over the place, there is a special place in hell for litterers. Need I say more?

In sum, if you have a problem with fireworks within a week or so of the 4th of July, let it go. Life is too short to be a kill joy. For those who let off their fireworks around the 4th, clean up your mess. We all live here together; a little bit of courtesy combined with a little bit of tolerance goes a long way.

UPDATE: I see that there is more complaining about fireworks from last night. To the complainers, I will reiterate that this is once per year and has been happening for decades. It's not going to stop just because your (insert dog/cat/infant) gets upset because of the noise. I have young children and a dog as well, and some of the noises keep them awake. It is once per year. I'm sure that I do things at least once per year that annoy people around me too. To them, I say thank you for tolerating me and contributing to the greatest neighborhood/small town in America!

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