Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Congratulations to Greenwood (and Speedway!)

I heard a report on NPR today on my way home from work that said Greenwood has experienced a 33% increase in recycling since providing its citizens the big, rolling 96-gallon containers for free.

The mayor (I think . . . it may have been the director of public works or some other such official) was discussing, among other things, the cost savings for the city in not having to secure as much landfill space. He also mentioned the environmental benefit of more recycling and less waste. Bravo!

I couldn't help but note, with a profound sense of satisfaction, that Speedway has a similar program.

As a side note, I have often wondered why we used to (maybe we still do?) have to pay a separate monthly bill to have recycling service, yet trash was built into our municipal utility bill. Why not the other way? Why not allow people to recycle to their hearts' content, paid for by a city utility bill? Along those lines, why not have a program where you have to buy a tag to get your garbage taken? I remember when I went to IU in the 1990s that in order to have the City of Bloomington take your trash, you had to buy a tag for each bag at Marsh. The cost was minimal, but it was enough of a pain that I can imagine it having a positive effect on people's behavior.

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