Friday, November 17, 2017

On leaving people the hell alone

I see that once again, the Speedway conservatives vocal minority has decided to protest yet another piece of progress, this time Big Red Liquors' attempt to open a store at the development at 30th and High School.

Some thoughts:

1. The owners of that property, much like the owners of other property, should be allowed to use their property as they see fit so long as such use doesn't bother others' use of their own property. I see nothing in a liquor store that would "hurt" the area any more than having (a) a bar (McGilvery's, an establishment of which I am a modest fan) and (b) empty property (that attracts blight, squatters, etc.).

2. I thought that Speedway was die-hard Republican/Conservative. It's not exactly the same thing anymore, but it is a pretty good overlap. Where are all of these small-government "conservatives" when it comes to their own neighborhood? Is small government only something that is imposed on others? I see that they all want to "remonstrate" against this proposal, much as many of the same culprits "remonstrated" against Wilshaw.

NEWSFLASH: when you "remonstrate," you are merely asking that the government intervene on your behalf to prevent others from doing as they please with their own property.

I am not entirely against remonstrations, by the way. If someone wanted to put a fracking compound in to replace Meadowood Park, I would be concerned, as that use would disturb my use of my own property by, among other things, polluting the air and water in the immediate vicinity of my home. However, if someone wants to put a porn shop in next to Kroger, who am I to complain? My recourse is to not shop there.

Bottom line here is that this little song and dance routine gets very old, very fast. You can't call yourself a "small government" "libertarian minded" "live and let live" "conservative" and turn around and remonstrate against every little change/development because "it impedes on my 'free' parking" or "it is in an inappropriate place" (i.e. too close to my house). If you want the government to intervene on your behalf, you are not a "small government conservative."

Of course, the biggest irony I can see is that some of the same vocal minority protesting everyone else's use of their own property are the same ones that believe that additional Wall Street regulations or health insurance subsidies are an enormous and unacceptable infringement on FREEDOM.


  1. So interesting , they want to put a liquor store in the strip mall where McGilverys is ? Is that right ? Or maybe not so interesting .... seems there’s always a market for alcohol . I remember the old tiny liquor store ( across from PNC on Crawfordsville Rd ) that closed in the last couple years after it got held up . The name is escaping me , but that liquor store had been there many many years . In fact , as a kid growing up in Chapel Hill , I remember my Mom and Dad joking that our neighbor , Mary , would buy her liquor that she most certainly drank from her coffee cup all day long . LOL
    I think you are wrong about the remonstraters are most certainly conservatives ... I just think maybe there could be some in Meadowood that do not want the liquor store there simply because of the riff raff it may attract . My husband used to go to the liquor store down further at the light ... that isn’t 30th is it ? ... ( you think I’d know having lived here all my life .... but that’s not Speedway , I do know that ) anyway , my husband always said he was going to “ Skwinny Eyes “ to pick up some beer . ( not very PC , I know ) He hasn’t gone there in years having realized Coors Lite is pretty cheap at CVS .
    Speedway has changed , I’m very selective on where I go ... BTW .... I thought last year some dude was found in that McGilverys strip mall with a bullet in his head . Meadowood is really close to some very bad areas ... too bad you can’t have a dome sealed around the town like was mentioned on Nextdoor one time .
    Also. My daughter has a friend who recently finished dental school and took a job as a dentist at a company that provides dental care to children at low income schools. She mentioned to my daughter that she was providing care at Allison Elementary last week . She says there was a HUGE population of children from Africa there . I’m wondering if they speak English and how that is effecting Speedway schools and their much touted stats . Is it St Chris sponsoring them as refugees ? Just wondering . I think we have plenty of diversity . I always think the elite democrats are so protective and pro refugee because they know that none of them will ever be able to live anywhere close to their high income neighborhoods . Just my opinion and observations .

  2. What an opinionated, narrow minded piece! Your attempt to put down people for using the very laws and freedoms that are there for them to use is almost laughable but I do believe you are serious. It was not these people not wanting a liquor store in their neighborhood that came up with a BZA and they have every right to use it pro or con. Just as what happened at Wilshaw? Free parking? How about any parking? Perhaps you missed the redevelopment meeting where our representatives admitted that they had dropped the ball and not thought parking through. I think you are also forgetting that the Wilshaw property was town property which means every tax payer owned it not just a select few. Do you live in the OSCNA area? Do you own a business on Main St.? I suggest you take your own advice, live and let live and leave people the hell alone and I am a die hearted republican as if that matters.

  3. This is a monumental erroneous contortion of the facts. In actuality, Tharp Realty Group, representing Thomas Crimmins, has petitioned the government to intervene. Thus, any small-town government beliefs protesters may hold are substantiated through their opposition of said request.
