Monday, April 23, 2018

Policy Positive - Healthcare

I have spent a lot of time in the past year writing about how bad the since-defeated crop of Republican healthcare policy proposals were. However, I appreciate that the Republican party took seriously, if only for a few weeks, the idea that American healthcare needs to be reformed.

It does.

I don't think anyone disagrees with that.

Nonetheless, I have noted that Republican efforts to reform American healthcare have dwindled to essentially "nothing." Now, as a member of the public, I am generally inclined to believe that any policy proposals put forth by this crew in Congress is bound to be terrible, but I still want them to try to advance policies. Show me what you believe in people!

I write this in context of something interesting I read today in Slate. Here is an excerpt (I highly recommend clicking through):
Having lots of different health care plans already formulated won’t make those debates any easier. But by drawing legislation up now, Democrats are showing that this is a priority for the party, and that they are thinking through the policy questions seriously, not just as a political show. In my view, they might as well keep tossing more bills on the pile.
Amen. I would ask that anyone who passes laws ostensibly in my name to, at the very least, think through the details.

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