Monday, April 2, 2018

For What it's Worth

Has anyone seen the latest hit job on Joe Donnelly? The one that purports to feature a local "small businesswoman" who really needs those tax cuts to "invest in her business" because she really wants to "help people."

Pardon me, I just barfed in my trash can.

For starters, if your business needs tax cuts to survive, you have a business model problem, not a taxation problem.

Further, what business person started a business primarily to help people? NOBODY! You start a business so that you can make money and support yourself and your family. Helping people is an added bonus and is only the goal if it is accompanied with the business person getting paid. Ken Nunn wants to help his clients, but that's presumably because he collects between 33% and 40% of the "help" that he provides. Do you think he gives a damn about his clients?

Finally, I can't help but notice that this small businesswoman, who so desperately needs those tax cuts in order for her business to thrive, is never identified. Who is she? What is this business of hers? Methinks that perhaps she's an actress paid by some outside advocacy group?

Here is the ad:

Who is "Cathy"? Anyone know? I can't help but notice that they don't use the name of her business or her last name. Methinks she is a "fictional character."

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