Thursday, April 19, 2018

On Todd Rokita . . . the worst kind of "lawyer" there is

The kind that likes to call himself a "small-government conservative" yet has been on the government gravy train for essentially his entire career. From his own web site:
ROKITA, Todd, a Representative from Indiana; born in Chicago, Cook County, Ill., February 9, 1970; graduated from Munster High School, Munster, Ind., 1988; B.A., Wabash College, Crawfordsville, Ind., 1992; J.D., Robert H. McKinney School of Law, Indiana University, Indianapolis, Ind., 1995; lawyer, private practice; general counsel, Indiana state secretary of state’s office, 1997-2000; Indiana state deputy secretary of state, 2000-2002; Indiana state secretary of state, 2002-2010; elected as a Republican to the One Hundred Twelfth and to the three succeeding Congresses (January 3, 2011-present).
So, to be clear, he went straight through from Kindergarten through Law School, graduating in 1995 (I wonder what kind of grades he had? I note he doesn't brag about them . . .). He claims he was in private practice, but his first job appears to have been for the State of Indiana. He then went to work for the federal government.

I'm confused. How stupid does Todd Rokita think we are? He hates government, but has worked in government his entire career? Huh.

I also note that, even though he says he was a "lawyer, private practice," I can't find a single case in which he has appeared. Now, of course, it is possible that he did practice but didn't do litigation. However, I get the feeling that the more accurate story about him is that he clerked for the Secretary of State until a position opened up for him there, so that he could pursue political ambitions.

In other words, Mr. Rokita is a professional politician. One might even say he is a "swamp creature," if one were inclined to use such terms.

What an a$$hat. And don't even get me going on this, a bush-league stunt that any first-month law student should know better than to try, let alone someone who actually bears the moniker "Lawyer."

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