Monday, February 26, 2018

Chicken Hawks

Regrettably, I allowed myself to comment on a "debate" on NextDoor regarding the NRA's supposed "Don't be a Victim" conference. One thing I have noted about the pro-gun crowd is how quickly most people are to bring up the notion that they "won't be victims" to "thugs." Formulate this anyway you want, it sounds to me like some people have seen one too many bad action flicks.

Case in point: the NRA likes to say that "the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun." OK. Where was the "good guy with a gun" at the Broward Co. HS while the shooter was offing teenagers? Waiting outside.

To be clear, this is a person who is ostensibly trained to address "threats" such as this.

He was waiting outside.

Now, I don't mean to pile on this poor guy. For the rest of his life, he will have to look in the mirror and admit to himself that when the time came, the time that would have defined his entire life, he hesitated.

Nonetheless, I continue to hear all NRA pro-gun types talk as though, what with their 30 minutes/month on an empty shooting range, they will be the heroes that save the day. Case in point:
The president also said he would have run into the South Florida high school where 17 students and faculty members were killed in a mass shooting, even if he was not armed, and he criticized law enforcement officials who were at the scene of the school shooting but did nothing to try to stop it. He called their performances “frankly disgusting.”
Interesting, isn't it, how people get their courage up after the fact to talk about what they would have done in a particular situation.

For a small intellectual exercise, let's just contemplate a few questions:
Q1. Has Donald Trump ever been faced with a situation where he may have been required to confront a "bad guy with a gun" who wanted to shoot at him?
 A1: As it turns out, Donald Trump was alive during the Vietnam War, and he was drafted.

Q2: Assuming that Donald Trump was faced with a situation where he would have been required to confront a "bad guy with a gun" who wanted to shoot him, would Donald Trump have rushed into the situation, even if he was not armed.
A2: No. He wouldn't. In fact, Donald Trump received draft deferments in 1964, 1965, and 1966 under the 2-S (college deferment) program. He then received a deferment in 1968 for a supposedly short-term medical problem (bone spurs in his feet); on Feb. 17, 1972, he was permanently classified as unfit for medical service.

All of this "good guy with a gun" post hoc discussion is nothing but chicken-hawkery at its worst.


  1. I think maybe another reason he didn’t go in was that a hand gun is no match for a AR 14 or 15 whatever the hell it is . That’s why civilians should not be able to legally buy them . Like I said before, if outlawed , they would still be out there on the black market for criminals or people who don’t mind breaking the law to gain access to them. They still should be outlawed . Those type of guns are people killers , plain and simple .

    Wow , you commented on Nextdoor ? Lol . Did you feel like banging your head up against a wall afterward ?

    I’m not a supporter of the NRA . I remember after my husband and I got our handguns after our background checks and finger and hand printing, something from the NRA came in the mail . I told my husband “ No way , we aren’t joining that !” I know how they manipulate the “ gun freaks “. My husband and I are not gun freaks . My husband hunts. I like having some protection in the house . We do not have small children around . It is a choice I like to have . My husband has a couple rifles and a muzzle loader . You know , like they used to use ? He hunts . He likes to take a hand gun with him for protection from coyotes, and any meth head making meth out in the woods ... lol . It happens ....
    Anyway , I’m in the middle road on this gun issue ... I want more regulation, eliminate gun shows , (where most illegal sales happen) , outlaw the military style guns and ammo . But don’t take away our right to own handguns or rifles for hunting . The U.S. has gone too far down the road on this issue ignoring all the killing and has been too lenient ... it will be tough to pull it all back .
    Warren Central supposedly already has metal detectors at their doors , my husband said someone at his work told him that ....he has kids that go there . I think metal detectors will have to be mandatory to keep the kids safe . They better get started on them , we have all these kids watching this , god forbid we have more copycats ...

  2. Thank you for your well-considered comment. Our views are likely closer than either of us recognize.
