Wednesday, October 4, 2017

"The Right Time"

I don't care to be lectured that yesterday or today are not the right times to talk about our nation's gun laws.

I similarly don't care to be lectured that it is "insensitive" to discuss global climate change in the wake of repeated tragic hurricanes.

When we see a building collapse, the first thing we do after mourning those killed therein is discuss how to improve building codes to ensure that it doesn't happen again.

When a (foreign) terrorist attack happens, the first thing we do is discuss ways to make our foreign policy more aggressive so that we can ensure that every last person with even the tiniest amount of sympathy for terror-related causes is killed (dead as a door nail).

When a bridge collapses, we again address building regulations.

When insurance rates skyrocket we have a spirited (if ill-informed) debate about why it happened and what we can do about it.

Why is it that the only time we can't talk about (1) the cause of a tragedy and (2) the appropriate response thereto is when an American decides to use a weapon of war for its sole designated purpose: killing human beings en mass?

1 comment:

  1. I'm surprised that there aren't more mass murders in this country given that the ammo and " bump stock " devices are so easy to obtain! The country just let this happen due to the NRA and $$$ . It happened gradually. Our culture changed in this country gradually too . I do not think one should compare the U.S. and our many mass killings to other countries and say " well you can't get guns/ammo easily there and it's against their laws " etc . First of all , I do not know if that's true , I'm sure someone in Europe can order ammo and or get a gun off the Internet I would think . Crazy people usually do not bother with following the law .The thing that is definitely different from the U.S. and other countries is the CULTURE. Our culture has changed a lot from the '50's which I always equate with good old fashioned family values.
    Secondly , even if we ban these " bump stock " devices, the sick minded will get them on the black market that will surely develop if they are banned. But that's no excuse , we should ban them and of course close all the loop holes at gun shows where people are allowed to buy guns without background checks . I'm sorry to say this will not prevent all mass shootings . Even if we would happen to include a mental health screen or check ( don't know how they could with HIPPA ) just because one is not mentally ill when they bought the gun , doesn't mean they will not develop mental illness in the future .
    I'm not against guns , my husband is a hunter ( hunts deer , male deer only .... he won't kill Bambi's mother ! ) I own a 9mm that I bought legally. I took shooting lessons . My husband has a handgun too . We both bought them legally and were background checked and finger printed . I don't carry my gun , I try to stay away from sketchy areas and I never go out after dark to grocery shop like I did 25 years ago . I do like to have it for protection at home . I have no grandkids or kids around .
    BTW , the " gun silencer " legislation that some republican dumbass is trying to pass because " he has hearing damage " from firing is gun is ridiculous! You wear ear protection as well as safety glasses when you shoot at the range ... that better not pass!
