Monday, August 6, 2018

Why Healthcare Will be Nationalized

 As Jonathan Chait writes, “having spent years insisting they had an army of wonks who could design a better alternative to the Obamacare ‘train wreck,’ the Republican plan of attack has dissolved into a rearguard sabotage campaign with no pretense of doing anything to help the poor and sick afford medical care.”
The simple fact is that though they don’t like to admit it, they just disagree with the moral premise that the government has an obligation to ensure that people get the health care they need. And that’s going to mean doing it the old-fashioned way — by enrolling as many people as possible, including, ultimately, everyone in government programs that keep operating unless Congress actually repeals them.
The notion of a compromise strategy that would allow Democrats to achieve their basic goals while being flexible and industry-friendly with the means was appealing on a number of levels, but it depended fundamentally on the notion that Republicans would treat such a compromise as stable. The reality is they won’t, so Democrats will have to choose — either abandon a generations-long principle (which isn’t going to happen) or move forward into the single-payer future.
Note to self: compromises only work if the other side is willing to stick to the deal. If they don't, you go all in. This is no different than a settlement conference. If I demand $50,000 to settle during a settlement conference, and that is my last demand, you can bet your bottom dollar that, if the matter doesn't settle, I'm asking the jury for at least $150,000. The same goes in politics. Walk away from the deal at your own peril; sooner or later, the worm always turns.

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