Saturday, October 7, 2017

Gun Control & Mental Health

Sometimes, I wonder if The Onion is still satirical or, rather, the only publication with the guile to accurately describe the world in which we live.

Take, for example, this mock-op-ed by "Paul Ryan":
The simple truth is, mass shootings like this aren’t about gun control we refuse to pass. They’re about access to mental health care that we will continue to gut.
You can already hear the calls from the left. In the aftermath of this mass murder, millions of people are once again pushing for an assault weapons ban that I won’t allow lawmakers to give even a moment of consideration, let alone bring to a vote. If these folks actually examined the realities of the issue, they would see that the real culprit in these incidents is, and always has been, our country’s inadequate mental healthcare system that leaves troubled, potentially violent individuals without the support they need, and which my colleagues and I have spent most of our careers seeking, often successfully, to defund. 
The reason we have tragedies like this is because of how our healthcare system that I am dead set on undermining fails to serve Americans in desperate need of psychological treatment. Not because of a lack of gun ownership regulations, the slightest toughening of which will never even receive a single second of debate on the floor of the House on my watch.
Sometimes, all you can do is tip your hat. Please read the whole thing for perspective.

1 comment:

  1. I have to agree partially at least . It does seem to me schizophrenia is more common than I ever thought ,I believe it is true that we as a nation do not take care of our mentally ill . I believe is was Reagan who initiated what was to become the closing of many mental health institutions. Maybe you ( Mr Maiers ) can enlighten me on that . It seems to me that the Vegas shooter displayed sociopathic behavior . Hadn't actually worked a job since 1986 or so , was a " loner " , was described by a lawyer who knew him from the suit he filed against a casino as " slovenly dressed " and seemingly careless , was known to play video poker for hours and considered it his job . Seems like an "odd" fellow to me .

    I realize that banning " bump stocks " , closing loop holes at gun shows concerning sales , and maybe "SOME WAY "developing a federal registry whereas the government would have known he was amassing an arsenal of guns ,might have helped prevent this. I'm not sure how this registry should be handled.Or even what could or should be done once one is identified as someone amassing an arsenal of weapons . I know everyone has the right to bear arms but does everyone have the right to amass guns into the double digits ? And have semi automatics with bump stocks ? What is one doing with all these guns ? I'm just saying , I have a handgun , I believe you should be allowed to legally have one . But when I envision someone with that many guns with bump stocks and tannerite ... I just picture a stupid red neck shooting off his guns and blowing shit up and yelling " yea-haw" . It's ridiculous that someone needs to be allowed legally to act like a dumbass with something so dangerous .

    With the mental illness the problem is .... no one can predict when or if someone is going to loose their mind and shoot up a bunch of people either because he's crazy or just plain evil , or maybe health reasons ( brain tumor etc ) So I guess I cannot totally agree with Paul Ryan in that some regulations should be passed , and the damn republicans need to just relax and quit being scared someone is going to take their right to bear arms away from them .

    I worked with a guy who collected guns, he was in the military. He worked as a healthcare worker . At least he was trained in firearms and did his stint defending our country. I'd like to say to all the red necks " collecting " guns ... go into the military, if you like guns so much , learn how to operate them and defend our country. Just going out shooting up stuff is just stupid .
    When we went to the U2 concert in Chicago there were military positioned all around Soldier Field to protect us . If one is so interested in guns they should put their interest to good use and join the army or National Guard in my opinion.

    I do have to wonder what a true tree hugging liberal thinks about the mental health angle .I've gotten in many an argument about the homeless and mental health with very liberal individuals. Most feel that the mentally ill have a right to be homeless , do they also feel the mentally ill have the right to amass an arsenal of guns and shoot innocent concert goers ?
    Lastly, I have to say ... " Damn the Torpedos" ! RIP Tom Petty !
