Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Another Thing Awesome about Speedway

There are so many things, it's hard for me to keep up on what I have mentioned and what I haven't. I recognize that I've spent a lot of time recently bemoaning the (genuinely terrible) things that President Trump and Vice President Pence are doing to the nation. However, I want to focus on what is close to home: Speedway.

This post is specifically directed at Speedway's awesomeness around Halloween. On NextDoor, I have seen no fewer than 3 or 4 public Halloween celebrations (American Legion, Speedway Baptist, Lion's Club, etc.). This is what makes a community thrive, and I tip my cap to all of the dedicated people who put this together and apologize to anyone who I may have omitted.

Thank you. A hundred times over. Thank you.

As a side note, I work with a gentleman (in the truest sense of the word) who coaches H.S. football. His team played recently at Northwest H.S. and he commented to me the stark difference between 34th/Moeller and 25th/Moeller. Thank you, Speedway, for continuing to make our small town a standout among its surroundings and for making it such a wonderful place to raise a family. I hope to see you, my neighbors, out and about.

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