Monday, August 28, 2017

Who Pays?

Back in November, I would joke with my wife that I was going to run for Speedway Town Council on the slogan of "Make Speedway Great Again," and the main plank of my platform was going to be that we're building a wall and making Indy pay for it.

Ha Ha.

Of course, our Tweeter in Chief has recently indicated that if Congress doesn't appropriate the money to pay for his beloved border wall, he may shut down the government.

Wait. What?

I mean, I never really believed ANYTHING coming out of President L'Orange's mouth, but he said it over and over: "Mexico will pay for it."

Videos don't lie:

At the time, a lot of people (myself included) pointed out that this was never going to happen (and was a terrible idea, to boot). Apparently, in a rare concession to reality, The Orange One has now decided that the United States paying for the wall is somehow equivalent to MEXICO paying for the wall.

United States of America = Mexico?

As I've noted, the wall is a terrible idea. What's next? A fence to keep the tide out? I was thinking of an umbrella to hold my basement in place, too.

Anyway, the actual merits of this (terrible) idea aside, THE WHOLE POINT OF THE CAMPAIGN PROMISE WAS THAT MEXICO WAS PAYING FOR THE WALL. You can't change that now! It was supposed to punish Mexico, not me!

If we're going to discuss stupid ideas that don't work and will waste money, OK. Let's have that discussion. Why do we have to focus on THIS stupid idea that won't work and will waste money? Better yet, how about expensive ideas that will actually do some good? Perhaps we can put that money into healthcare or education for poor kids (I know . . . pipe dream).


  1. Well if we ( the U.S. ) would have been actually enforcing immigration policies and laws in the first place all of these years we wouldn't have a problem , now , would we ? We wouldn't even be talking about a " wall " .

  2. It is not about "actually enforcing immigration policies and laws." We can write laws that outlaw the color blue, but that is not going to change the color of the sky; perhaps we could build a purple dome over the nation?

    Further, and regardless of discussion of enforcing immigration laws, the whole point of President Trump's campaign promise was that MEXICO WAS GOING TO PAY. In what universe does "Mexico pays" = "America pays"?
